6 Things You Need to Know | Flying with a Baby & Breast Milk


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6 Things You Need to Know about Flying with a Baby and Breast Milk


Airline travel can be stressful for any traveler and it can be a logistical nightmare for parents traveling with an infant, toddler, and/or breast milk. Not only do luggage scans draw unwanted attention to nursing moms, but mothers often worry about being forced to discard the milk they’ve spent hours pumping.


⭐Special TSA Screening Exceptions that make travel easier for new parents:


Know your rights when you fly

Did you know your breast pump doesn’t count as a carry-on item? And you can fly with an unlimited amount of breast milk? How awesome is that?!


TSA has special screening exceptions for infants and toddlers

An infant is defined as a child who must be physically carried by an adult throughout the screening process. A toddler is defined as a child who receives assistance in walking by an adult throughout the screening process.


Your child doesn’t need to be present to travel with breastmilk.

Formula and breast milk exceeding 3.4 ounces is allowed in carry-on baggage and do not need to fit within a quart-sized bag. You do not need to travel with your child to bring breast milk.


You can travel with cold packs!

Ice packs, freezer packs, frozen gel packs and other accessories required to cool formula, and breast milk  are allowed in carry-on. If these accessories are partially frozen or slushy, they are subject to screening as described above.


When breast milk isn’t enough.

Sometimes a mother needs more than breast milk to soothe her teething tot… You can bring gel or liquid-filled teethers, canned, jarred and processed baby food in carry-on baggage.


❻  TSA has a help line for upcoming travelers

You can call or email TSA 72 hours prior to traveling with questions about screening policies, procedures. If you have specific questions or concerns about your upcoming travel, you can also email TSA Cares at the following email address: TSA-ContactCenter@tsa.dhs.gov


Happy Travels!!!




Written by Melissa LaHann, Founder and CEO of Happy Fig, LLC

Like many moms before her, Melissa cradled her hungry, crying baby as she clumsily adjusted her bra and sat uncomfortably holding up her shirt. Before she knew it, her baby was squirming, her shirt was falling, and the nursing session was interrupted. She needed a better solution, so she created LatchPal, the first nursing clip of its kind.

LatchPal is a breastfeeding shirt clip that holds up a mother’s shirt during breastfeeding. It eliminates shirt re-positioning and feeding disruptions, and helps a mom nurse hands-free in comfort to maximize milk flow. LatchPal was designed with moms in mind. The multi-use solution