How Breastfeeding Changed My Life

Breastfeeding changed my life, seriously.

I used to work in mid-rise office complex filled with cubicles, fluorescent light, suits, and the ominous sound of photocopiers and office chatter but then…I HAD A BABY. As a new mother, my eyes were opened to new priorities, opportunities, and ways to positively impact the world around me.

Prior to being a mother, I was completely unaware of the challenges that new mothers and working mothers face. Truth be told, until you’re in the thick of it, you simply can’t understand how hard it is.

It’s incredibly exhausting to maintain a work/life balance, to pump when no one is looking, to keep your clothes stain free, to secretly stash breast milk in a work refrigerator, and confidently fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes.  Being a breastfeeding mama is no small task.

Through the good days and bad, I’ve:

  • learned about the benefits of breast milk and seen its affects first hand
  • gotten side-eye stares
  • pumped in bathroom stalls
  • nursed with a cover (and without one)
  • advocated for nursing mothers
  • established lactation rooms
  • created LatchPal and received a utility patent for the world’s first breastfeeding clip

I can honestly say going through each of these experiences has made me a more self-assured, compassionate, empathetic and a better person (really).

Are there days when I miss the office chatter, the legalese, the starched suits, the poised smiles, and corporate America? Absolutely. Are there days that I regret inventing a nursing clip to help thousands of moms achieve their breastfeeding goals. Never.

Call it what you will, a nursing clip, a breastfeeding clip, a nursing shirt holder, a reminder clip, a shirt strap, a personal journey…whatever, all I know is that breastfeeding changed my life and I’m better off for knowing each of you.







small-photoWritten by Melissa LaHann, Founder and CEO of Happy Fig, LLC

Like many moms before her, Melissa cradled her hungry, crying baby as she clumsily adjusted her bra and sat uncomfortably holding up her shirt. Before she knew it, her baby was squirming, her shirt was falling, and the nursing session was interrupted. She needed a better solution, so she created LatchPal, the first nursing clip of its kind.

LatchPal is a breastfeeding shirt clip that holds up a mother’ss shirt during breastfeeding. It eliminates shirt re-positioning and feeding disruptions, and helps a mom nurse hands-free in comfort to maximize milk flow. LatchPal was designed with moms in mind. The multi-use solution only requires one hand to latch. It’s a must-have breastfeeding accessory and essential for post-partum moms, pumping moms, and nursing in public.

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