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I didn’t grow up in a world with social media but now I’m parenting in one….and the truth is, I don’t always love it. Here are 5 Ways Social Media Makes Parenting Harder and ways we can focus on what matters
One: It sets unrealistic expectations
Let’s be honest, who on earth lives in a neatly organized home with white carpet, white walls, white bedspreads, white rugs, white towels, etc…If you know this person, chances are they have a full time cleaning service, don’t drink red wine, don’t have children, or don’t actually live in their home. lol.
Two: It’s virtual peer pressure.
Life isn’t a competition, but sometimes it feels like one, and unfortunately social media magnifies the pressure. You know what I’m talking about, those beautifully curated activities, picturesque outings, and properly angled selfies. Let’s face it, we’ve all done it.
Three: It may actually stifle originality.
While the internet can foster creativity, it also creates opportunities to adopt other people’s ideas and pass them off as their own. Unfortunately this happens ALL. THE. TIME. and it makes me sad. Don’t sacrifice your originality, pay credit to innovators, and become one yourself! It’s harder, but SO worth it.
Four: It creates a misguided pursuit of perfection.
Let me save you the suspense, despite the appearance, absolutely NO household, parent, sibling or job is perfect. I PROMISE. So don’t get caught trying to “keep up with the Jones” because it’s a waste of time and you’ll lose yourself along the way. Just be your perfectly imperfect self.
Five: We share some of our most intimate moments with strangers.
People aren’t always as they appear. As parents, it’s our job to protect our children and keep them safe. So be careful not to overshare with those you don’t know.
BUT THE BEST PART OF SOCIAL MEDIA is connecting with moms, dads, friends, and strangers who want to support our journeys and make life a bit brighter, because there are a lot of GOOD PEOPLE out there. So lend a compliment, a handshake, a hug, or give someone a call and embrace these five tips for parenting in a virtual world:
xoxo, LatchPal Nursing Clip
Like many moms before her, Melissa cradled her hungry, crying baby as she clumsily adjusted her bra and sat uncomfortably holding up her shirt. Before she knew it, her baby was squirming, her shirt was falling, and the nursing session was interrupted. She needed a better solution, so she created LatchPal, the first nursing clip of its kind.
LatchPal is a breastfeeding shirt clip that holds up a mother’ss shirt during breastfeeding. It eliminates shirt re-positioning and feeding disruptions, and helps a mom nurse hands-free in comfort to maximize milk flow. LatchPal was designed with moms in mind. The multi-use solution only requires one hand to latch. It’s a must-have breastfeeding accessory and essential for post-partum moms, pumping moms, and nursing in public.
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