15 Things You NEVER say to a Breastfeeding Mom


Reading time: 2 minutes


Have you ever had something fly out of your mouth and immediately regretted it? You know THAT moment when a heavy awkward silence fills the room and you just want a re-do? Unfortunately, there’s no “take back” in real life and it doesn’t matter if your comment was a temporary lapse in judgment, a joke, or came across as an unintentional putdown. Here are 15 things NOT to say to a breastfeeding mom, like ever. Read on for real comments received by Chicago moms.


They said WHAT?!

  1. Are you STILL breastfeeding? Isn’t that gross? -Rachel Cohen Losoff

  2. It’s rude to breastfeed at a birthday party, in front of all these kids. -Tiffany Marie

  3. Your breasts look really full. –Michelle

  4. You’re breastfeeding, right? You must feel like a cow then? -Laura

  5. Just have a glass of wine and give her a bottle. -Nicole Nestor Albertson

  6. How long is he going to nurse? Until he’s in little league? – Andrea Scott McCluskey

  7. But it’s weird…I know what you’re doing under there… -Ali McKenna

  8. She’s still nursing? Oh. -Angie Short

  9. Wouldn’t you be more comfortable feeding him/her in the bathroom in private? -Lori Bayne

  10. He’s a little old for that, don’t you think? (Said at 1 year.) -Nancy Slutzky Finder

  11. Some people produce skim milk…you must produce whipping cream -Ali McKenna

  12. He’s been nursing non-stop, there’s no way you have any milk left . – Amy Ferguson Clarke

  13. You’re going to do that, here? -Kelly Anne

  14. How do you know when the milks all gone in your boob, says a random bystander -Kelda Brooks

  15. Here take this blanket. Me: No thank you.Here take this blanket. Me: no thanks again though – Lauren Bruggs

I’d like to give a shout out and the moms who contributed to this blog and to those who battle these comments in pursuit of their breastfeeding journey! Keep up the great work because the American Acandemy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months and extended breastfeeding for a year or longer as desired by you and your child! Way to go mama, you’ve got this!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more “They said WHAT?” moments. Real comments received by REAL moms.



Written by Melissa LaHann, Founder and CEO of Happy Fig, LLC

Like many moms before her, Melissa cradled her hungry, crying baby as she clumsily adjusted her bra and sat uncomfortably holding up her shirt. Before she knew it, her baby was squirming, her shirt was falling, and the nursing session was interrupted. She needed a better solution, so she created LatchPal, the first nursing clip of its kind.

LatchPal is a breastfeeding shirt clip that holds up a mother’s shirt during breastfeeding. It eliminates shirt re-positioning and feeding disruptions, and helps a mom nurse hands-free in comfort to maximize milk flow. LatchPal was designed with moms in mind. The multi-use solution only requires one hand to latch. It’s a must-have breastfeeding accessory and essential for post-partum moms, pumping moms, and nursing in public.

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